Monday, July 27, 2015

I'm in Naples!! :)

Whoo! P-Day already?? Crazy stuff! Well, I'll do my best to include all of the crazy stuff that happened this week, but (as usual) I don't have oodles of time.
    So Sebastian got closed down last week. It was sad, but I LOVE  where I am now! :)
We spent last P-Day packing and emptying out the house (since there is currently nobody living there) and on Wednesday morning we got up at 5 am and set out at 6:30 for Plantation. It took us 3 hours, but we got there in time and just a little bit early! Thank goodness for carpool lanes! :)
    So we got to transfers and it was SO exciting as usual! It is seriously like a mash of Christmas and a family reunion! Sister Montague and I went in and greeted the "baby" missionaries. I knew right off the bat which one Sister Montague was going to be training. I totally called it. :) And Sister Jackson came up to me before the meeting started and declared that I would go to Naples. Fancy that! :)
    The meeting got started, we had the testimonies of new missionaries (and there were a TON of  them. Mostly sisters!), then Elder Burgoyne announced that we would have departing missionary testimonies (typical, since he was dying, too!). Sister McAfee, Elders Pukahi, Christenson, Skidmore, Liddle, Noguerra, and Dinkins were the ones that I knew. OH! And the last Elder to bear his testimony turned his attention to a new elder in the audience (Elder Higginbotham, who is waiting on his Visa to Portugal) and said "I was a visa waiter, too." And then he just grinned. And then the whole audience burst into laughter! It took me a second to realize that he basically said that he waited in the Florida Fort Lauderdale mission for TWO YEARS FOR HIS VISA TO BRAZIL AND IT NEVER CAME!!!!! I was DYING with laughter when I made the connection!
     The assignments were announced, and I got sent to Naples to greenie-break Sister Rammell (Sister Alcazar and Sister Jackson's baby). I'm in the same district as Elder Scutt, and our DL is Elder Amos (he just got out of Key West). And they are in a Haitian Creole area. Elder Amos came into the mission speaking English, then President wanted him to learn Portuguese, then he went to Key West (so naturally he had to learn Spanish. Did I mention he only studied Chinese in high school?) and now he is in a Creole-speaking area AND HE DOESN'T SPEAK A LICK OF IT! Crazy stuff!!! Oh, and Elder Nielsen is the DL for the other district! :)
       We got going, it took us about 2 hours to get to Naples. We did some tracting and taught an English class, so that was fun!
     The next day we had district training, and it turns out I have a son! I'm the "oldest" sister in my district, and Elder Higginbotham is getting trained in our district! I have a kid!
     We accidentally knocked into a blind, English-speaking member named "Clyde Steele". He was SUCH a sweet guy. That was awesome! :)
       We've also found some cool people to teach, and church was great! I'm so grateful to be in a Spanish ward again. :) And our members are wonderful! <3
        I got a ton of loving from the Payero's  dogs last night, all three of 'em! They reminded me of Jet, Hoss and Scout!
       We're also housing with Sister Pankratz and Sister Samuels (Sis Samuels is going to heaven and Sis Pankratz is going down the other way. A funny story for another day; it involves a Hebrew Israelite that they encountered, lol!)
       Also, Sister Rammell and I found something neat in our studies when studying extending commitments. 1 Kings 17:10-16. Notice how commitments that are bold and loving are also ALWAYS specific to the individual. Even the Lord promises specific blessings, for example, look at the 10 commandments! And even in 2 Kings 5, too! It is so amazing how the Lord knows us ALL so deeply and personally, and loves us all the same. He never has us do ANYTHING without having an incredible purpose behind it.
     Well, that was essentially my week. Have a great week, everyone! I love you all so much! :)
      ~Hermana Curnow

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